Monday, September 7, 2020

Fun & Games Online

 I hope you enjoyed August!  It flew by here in a blink of an eye.  

     Sometime in mid July I had the idea to host a Facebook Virtual Hop called Our Favorite Things to showcase the quilt shops that attend Sewposium, (that's the event that I organize for shop owners).  The virtual hop went very well, although it was a full time job on my end, organizing the shops, posting the daily links, answering questions, answering questions, and then answering more questions. It is amazing how many people don't realize that words in blue are a clickable link.  I can't complain, you could fill a fleet of trucks with what I don't know about technology!  

     The success of that hop has lead to other, potentially brilliant ideas that will probably be even MORE time consuming, but what the heck - I enjoy sewing and I enjoy seeing you enjoy sewing, so why not give it a try?  You can join the fun in a few different ways and I would love to have all of you along for the ride.

     September 16th at 7:00pm eastern I will be LIVE on the We All Quilt Facebook page for a Sew-Along.  The September 16th LIVE is specifically dedicated to working on an unfinished project.

     There is nothing to buy, no need to register, just log on to Facebook on the 16th at 7pm and search for the We All Quilt page.  You can do that now and "follow" the page to get a reminder when we go live.  I will be "live" in my sewing room, working on a UFO.  My hope is that you will be watching from your sewing space and working on your very own UFO.  I like the idea that you will be able to comment with photos of what you are doing, ask questions, etc to keep the conversation going.  I will be LIVE for at least an hour, maybe more.  If you can't join us LIVE, then you can watch the recorded version on that same Facebook page anytime after the 16th.  This isn't a professional "hair and make-up" event, it will be just me doing what I normally do, and hopefully making some UFO progress.  You can probably expect some technical difficulty as I figure out how to work lights, camera and computer in unison!  If it goes well, I will consider making it a regular event.

     I have also been challenged by a fabric company Exec to find a way to encourage mask-makers to become quilters.  Tons of people have pulled a sewing machine out of the back of a closet to make masks for friends and family.  They are re-discovering the joy of sewing and creating fabric scraps in the process.  Let's find a way to put those scraps to work and share our love of quilting.  The plan for October is to host a Nine Patch a Day Project.  Commit to making one simple block each day for 31 days + a practice block and you will have all the pieced blocks you need for a throw sized quilt by the end of the month.  You might want to add setting squares or a border, but the idea is to sew a little (or a lot) each day and turn those scraps into something amazing.  

                                                             I need your help with this!

     The Nine Patch A Day page is live on Facebook.  Log on to Facebook and post a photo of your favorite Nine Patch quilt, a stack of fabrics you might use for the project or even a block or two.  Help those new quilters see the possibilities this one simple block can have!  More importantly, if you know someone that sews, but doesn't quilt, hook them up!  Tell them about the page and how they can join in the fun!  Mid September there will be official instructions posted, video lessons and if you post and comment, random fabric prizes will be awarded too!  Mark your calendar and join the FUN!

     This Covid thing can't last forever.  While it does, let's make the best of things an make plans to meet online.  See you soon on a screen near you!

1 comment:

  1. Nice posts
    9th class notes
